Be Strengthened In Your Inner Man
With Empowering Books by Jim
Durkin of Gospel Outreach

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"You are coming against me with sword and spear, but I am coming against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, whom you have defied. For the battle is the Lord’s --- and it is He who will deliver you into our hand !!”

Practice the Word Series
  • Practice the Word
  • Discipleship
  • Equipping the Saints
  • Purpose and Vision
  • Covenant
  • Spiritual Authority
  • Spiritual Identity
  • Training Your Soul
  • Believe, Confess, Act

"The BOLD Confession" - by Jim Durkin.
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God has good news for you and me! He wants us to experience complete prosperity in our lives: to enjoy good health, emotional well-being, peace of mind, and a level of financial success that gives us freedom from the fears of old age and death. In fact, God wants us to be so successful that we pass on both spiritual and material legacies to our children and grandchildren.

"True Prosperity" - by Jim Durkin Sr. with James Jankowiak
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Your Life Will Change Through the Power of the Word, by Jim Durkin

This book is a compilation of three previously-published titles by Jim Durkin, which have been revised for this new edition. The three books include: Training Your Soul, Living the Word, and Life with a Purpose.

"Training Your Soul", by Jim Durkin was originally published in 1977 as "Training Your Soul'.
"Living the Word", by Jim Durkin was originally published in 1977 as "Believe, Confess, and Act".
"Life with a Purpose", by Jim Durkin was originally published in 1978 as "Purpose and Vision".

Publishers Preface

Over thirty years ago Jim Durkin found himself in the most serious crisis of his life. Though he had been a pastor and evangelist, he ended up separated from his family, broken and penniless, on his knees calling out to God. What God spoke to him in those desperate hours radically changed his life. Though the changes took time and much persistence on his part, they were lasting and far-reaching. Not only was his family reunited, he was also restored to ministry and used by God in a work that has influenced thousands of people throughout the world.

Today people throughout the United States and overseas credit the biblical and spiritual foundation of their Christian lives to the teaching they received under Jim Durkin's ministry. In addition, pastors and leaders of churches in many nations have been impacted by the life-changing principles Jim has taught and practiced in his own life.

The writings in this volume appeared in various forms over the past twenty years --- in booklets, articles, books and radio broadcasts. Because demand for these teachings continues, three of Jim's most popular subjects are being released in this book. The themes covered are: soul training, practice the Word, and purpose and vision.

In "Training Your Soul" Jim shows how you are, in fact, training your soul, either by intent or by neglect. The soul -- composed of such parts of you as will, intellect and emotions --- needs training. The soul responds to correction and instruction. You can tell your emotions to come under control. You can teach your mind what to believe and not believe. You can make your will submit to the will of God. All of this is accomplished not by your own strength, but by allowing your spirit to assume its rightful place.

Your spirit is meant to be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, and to be nourished and empowered by the Word of God. This is the difference between the person who is "soul-controlled" and the person who is "Spirit-controlled". The soul-dominated individual is always led about by an untrained soul. Wild emotions rule or a stubborn will is in charge or a complex intellect is twisted up with strange ideas. The "Spirit-controlled" person, however, has learned how to tame and train the soul.

"Living the Word" highlights three simple principles of faith: believe, confess, and act. With these steps, faith becomes a practical, working power in your life. First, you strengthen your belief in the promises of God through what Jim calls biblical "faith pictures". As you apply these "faith pictures" to your circumstances, you can begin to boldly confess the truth of God's Word.

Finally you take action, the step that releases the full power of your belief and confession. The promises God has made for your life will be fulfilled as you learn to believe, confess, and act upon the Word of God.

"Life with a Purpose" shows that one of the more startling discoveries of the new Christian life is that simply accepting Jesus as Savior does not answer every human longing and need. After we. come to Christ there are still questions to be answered and problems to be solved.

What is God's purpose for my life? What does God want me to do? What is his will for me? Where am I going? Such questions make us reach for something more. Leading a good life is not enough. Merely attending church does not satisfy us.

As a young minister, Jim Durkin was determined to follow Christ and obey his Word. Yet these same questions pressed in upon him. He began to realize that something important was missing not only from his life but from many of those he pastored. That something was a deep understanding of God's purpose. Without that knowledge frustration is certain. With it, we realize that everything we face, every problem and struggle, has value and points us to our ultimate end. Our lives take on positive direction. God's will becomes evident. And we experience the joy of pleasing God.

The three major themes of this book, summed up in the three section titles, blend together to reinforce. one important message. And that message is summed up in the book's title, which simply says that God's Word is powerful, so powerful that if you put its teaching into practice your life will change. You will experience more of his victories, more of his blessing, and more of his strength in your life.

Each chapter concludes with questions that can be used for individual reflection or for small group discussion. These questions can help you think through the ways that God's Word can be put into practical action in your life.

May this new volume, Your Life Will Change Through the Power of the Word, bring you the encouragement, vision and help that has already helped transform the lives of Christians in churches around the world.


One of the early weaknesses of my life, a crippling one, was to blame other people or outward circumstances for my failures. This weakness is common to so many individuals. Whether it's failure or frustration or some other painful experience that we face, the temptation is great to put blame on someone or something.

We hear statements like: "My mother didn't do right by me" or "My father didn't treat me right" or "My boss doesn't understand me" or "The church is not working with me" or "The pastor has failed me." These are but a few of hundreds of places where blame is fixed.

In my early life I was one who would constantly blame others for my problems. For example, I would blame my wife and children for the frustrations I was facing in my life. The result of this blame-fixing, however, was utterly destructive. After several years of marriage I ended up separating from my wife and eventually divorcing her. Over time God would bring us back together and renew our marriage covenant, but not before we had caused a great deal of pain to our family and our own lives.

In the midst of these difficulties God started a work of grace in me that changed this deep-rooted habit of blaming. When the change came it was like a burst of light in my spirit. I realized that if the Word of God is true, then all of this blaming of other people had no relevance whatever to my problems. This simple illumination from the Word of God would become a life-changing force in my life leading not only to a transformation of my attitude toward problems but to a wonderful stream of blessings.

Gradually it became clear to me that although people may do wrong to me, this does not have to control the outcome of my life. If they do me wrong, that's a choice they make and a problem they create for themselves. Even if they seem to succeed in their attempts to harm me, ultimately they cannot come between God and me. They cannot prevent his will and purpose from coming to pass in my life. They cannot stop him from blessing me. Unless, that is, I allow them by falling into the habit of blame-fixing.

What I learned is that the Word of God makes specific promises to every person. And the fulfillment of those promises are based on their attitudes and faith alone. If their actions and attitudes are right, those promises will ultimately take precedence over every circumstance. Though all the armies of the earth are against you, God's promises will come to pass in your life. This is the conclusion I reached.

Taking on this new point of view I began to ask myself some questions. If it is true that my condition in life is not the result of what others have done to me, but what I am refusing to do in light of the teaching of God's Word, what must I now do differently? How do I change my life to conform in attitude and action to the Word of God? How do I apply the Word of God to my immediate daily situations?

In other words, is the Bible merely a spiritual book that is interesting to read but has no real relevance in this present world? Is it only a book about the hereafter? Or is it a practical book meant to guide us through this world and prepare us for the life which is to come?

These important questions helped bring me to a conclusion that I can only say was an illumination from the Holy Spirit. I realized that the Bible is a book for today. It is a book for this generation as much as it was for those who lived a thousand years ago. And if the Lord were not to come for another thousand years this same book would be applicable to daily life in that generation.

With that in mind I began to apply the Word of God to every situation in my life. For example, if I was not getting along with my wife --- and at that time we had some very serious rebuilding to do in our relationship --- I began to ask what I could do about it from the perspective of God's Word. Previously I had been in the habit of saying, "If only my wife would do this... then my life would be happy." But with this renewed mind, I knew that the unhappiness was not her fault. I knew that I had to begin to act differently toward her. I had to act according to the teaching of God's Word.

As I began applying the Word of God to my marriage, I found a dramatic and wonderful change. First, I became willing to change. My wife also became willing to change. We were both being transformed. Today our attitudes toward life are almost 100% opposite of what they were 35 years ago.

At the same time as I was having marriage troubles I was also a failure in business. But why was I a failure in business? Well, it was because the government was doing all the wrong things toward me. It was because the economy was bad or the workers were all lazy or clients wouldn't cooperate with me. But as my attitude changed I began to say no, none of this is true; I am not failing because of others. Instead, I turned to myself and asked, "What do I have to do?"

Soon, I looked at the problems through different eyes. For example, I learned that I had to see the people I worked with or worked for as better than myself. I had to see these people as worth serving. I had to find ways to meet their needs. I had to sit down and listen and find out what their real needs were and then show them how I could meet those needs in a good way for a reasonable sum of money. These simple actions were all things that God's Word taught me. And once again, a dramatic change took place, as I went from being a failure in business to one success after another.

The three books that are now combined into this new volume take many of the simple truths I learned and show how I worked through the failures and problems by applying the power of the Word of God not merely to the problems but to myself. I believe you will find what I have to say here to be scriptural. I'm not interested in pressing my theories on you, but simply encouraging you to look at what the Bible has to say to you about living your life in this world.

In fact, read what is said here and compare it with the Word of God. I believe you will discover that the premise I make is a simple one. Read the Word of God, ask yourself what the real meaning is and then ask yourself (being guided by the Holy Spirit and the church) how to apply it in your present circumstances. Don't ask how to get someone else to apply it. Instead, simply ask how you can apply it. As you do you will find the same kinds of successes and victories that I discovered in facing my own problems and challenges.

God's blessing is waiting for you as you allow yourself to be changed by the power of the Word.

Jim Durkin -- Eureka, California -- July 1995

First, God said to me the simple words: "It's you." Instantly I knew what he meant. My consistent blaming of others — my wife, my children, the church — had filled my life with excuses. When God said: "It's you", my defenses suddenly crumbled. I was then ready for what came next.

God convicted me of this saying, "Behind every verse in my Word you have added three words of your own, 'but we know.' From now on, I want you to do my Word, practice it, even if you don't understand what it means. In doing my Word, you'll come to understand what it means."

Training Your Soul

by Jim Durkin

"Training Your Soul" - by Jim Durkin.
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Following are thoughts based on a five-part radio program by Jim Durkin entitled "Spiritual Warfare", aired nationally on the "Practice the Word" broadcast. These thoughts about spiritual warfare are organized into five main categories, and are designed to stimulate your thinking, helping you recognize the nature of Satan's work so you can enter spiritual warfare.

"For the weapons of our warfare are . . . mighty through God .. " --2 Cor. 10:5 ****** "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world" --Eph. 6:12

"Standing Against The Enemy" - by Jim Durkin.
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Standing Against The Enemy

Including: Spiritual Warfare
and — The Greatest Weapon

by Jim Durkin -- Edited by David Sczepanski

"Living the Word" highlights three simple principles of faith: believe, confess, and act. With these steps, faith becomes a practical, working power in your life. First, you strengthen your belief in the promises of God through what Jim calls biblical "faith pictures". As you apply these "faith pictures" to your circumstances, you can begin to boldly confess the truth of God's Word.

Finally you take action, the step that releases the full power of your belief and confession. The promises God has made for your life will be fulfilled as you learn to believe, confess, and act upon the Word of God.

Living the Word

Originally ---
Believe, Confess, and Act

by Jim Durkin

"Living the Word" - by Jim Durkin.
Click on the image to download

"Life with a Purpose" shows that one of the more startling discoveries of the new Christian life is that simply accepting Jesus as Savior does not answer every human longing and need. After we. come to Christ there are still questions to be answered and problems to be solved.

What is God's purpose for my life? What does God want me to do? What is his will for me? Where am I going? Such questions make us reach for something more. Leading a good life is not enough. Merely attending church does not satisfy us.

"Life with a Purpose"

Originally ---
"Purpose and Vision"

by Jim Durkin

"Life with a Purpose" - by Jim Durkin.
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This eBook contains two tracts from the Practice the Word series, "The Bold Confession Changes Everything" and "Blessings Everywhere & All The Time -- When You Practice the Word" and two booklets published by Forward Edge International, "Your Moment in History" and "The Breezy, Balmy Christian Life" -- all by Jim Durkin. **** Click on the image to Download.

This eBook Study Guide is a combination of two seperate studies, "Great Truths of the Word of God" and “Action Principles from the Word of God”. **** Click on the image to download.

"The Master Builder"
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"Church Planter's Handbook"
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Please CLICK on the following link to read, "An Ode to Money and Wealth".
It is an excerpt from the book, "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand, first published in 1957

"Coming World Crisis"
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"He Gives --- He Takes Away"
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These books were written by Emil Swift. He was ordained in 1982 by Jim Durkin as a "Five-Fold Teacher in the Body of Christ", and then sent to pastor Christian Life Fellowship in Willow Creek, CA.
"Apostolic Ministries in the 21st Century" **** Click on the image to download

There's more and more talk throughout the Church today about apostles and apostolic ministries. The opinions range from "there are none in today's church" to "they govern the Church". In this paper, we'll focus on what the Bible actually does teach about apostles and apostolic ministries.

Not every, possible verse or passage will be considered, but no significant verses are deliberately excluded. The scope of this paper is limited to a basic group of Scriptures which tell us about apostles and apostolic ministries. Our goal is that every person who reads this paper can come to their own conclusions about apostolic ministries, directly from the Scriptures involved.

"The Little Book of Christian Harmony" **** Click on the image to download

In dream-bound sleep of early morning --
You come to touch my face, to love me, to wake me so evergently --
You woo me from sleep's seductive grasp, and singing kindly, chase away night's phantasies --
Calling me into Jubilee -- You whisper to my ears, "Awake!" - and kiss my eyelids open - and love me as Your precious own.

This is a little book on Christian harmony. It’s about Christians being one in Christ. Many people know it. Few people do it. It’s not that hard. We need it. Selah.

"What Happened to You?" -- Hippies, Gospel Outreach, and the Jesus People Revival

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"Dying of Thirst on the Bank of the River"

Click on the image to BUY ** It explores why so many people fail to move closer to the Lord

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read an excerpt from the book,

In a Body"

Joseph Anfuso

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